Your personality type

4 min readApr 22, 2021


And the importance of understanding your personality.

Everyday we come across different personalities and characters which is part of the attraction of social interaction and a simple conversation. The past year especially, I believe people have realized the value of being social and how the lack of it can cause you to be alone with your own thoughts. This is not necessarily a bad thing as it is educative to think on your own and become comfortable with your own thoughts. However, what causes you to think the way you think and how is your personality involved?

Over the years you have probable (unconsciously) been bombarded on the internet with articles like: “Top 5 personality traits for Engineers” or “10 toxic personality traits”. The word ‘personality’ has lost a lot of its meaning as it tends to be used interchangeably with words like ‘identity’ and ‘character’, causing a new buzzword to arise.

Personality is maybe best described as the type of person you are, shown by the way you think and feel. Note that this can be changed throughout your life as this is a result of how we choose to be. Your created self.

Understanding your personality

So why do I think it is important to understand your own personality?

First of all, it will help you gain insight in your own patterns and habits that you might not be aware of as of yet. You might consider yourself as an introvert and have used this in various conversations as your identity. By doing so, you identify yourself with something that can be changed. It is not your identity however, is it your personality. Putting in the work and stepping out of your comfort zone in social occasions can help you change your introverted side. Hans Eysenck’s model of personality could be of help for you to understand what causes you to be introverted or extroverted.

I am not saying that you should change your personality completely and that one is better than the other. What I am saying though is that there is a lot of value that can be achieved from understanding yourself better when it comes to your moods, opinions and attitudes. It is what distinguishes you from other people and it primarily surfaces in interactions with others.

Personality tests

In my opinion, the succes formula for getting to know your own personality better will consist mainly of reflection. Writing down your own thoughts and mindfulness practice can go a long way but this might not be predestined for everyone.

And that is where personality tests come in. These magical, often free tests that take no more that 15 minutes. I am not a great believer of quick fixes and believe that it often takes effort and consistency to get projects done. If there were a quick fix for understanding your personality however, it would be these tests. These tests are often based on the Myers-Briggs model which was modelled after C. Jungs analysis. 15 minutes of your time and in return you will receive multiple pages about yourself wondering how a simple test was able to understand you so well. Do this test by yourself and compare it with one of your friends or family members without assigning ‘good’ or ‘bad’ values to them. Look at these traits as opportunities.

Test done, now what?

Like I mentioned before it is not needed to do to a complete overhaul of your personality if you see that the test does not satisfy you in one way or another. It could be a stepping stone for you to distinguish what is part of your identity and what is personality. You might have personality traits that are similar to an introvert but this does not mean that you ARE an introvert.

By saying to yourself or others that you ARE an introvert, you immediately place yourself in a box of which you believe it is part of your ‘identity’. I am here to tell you that it is not. Do not fall for the trap of using your introverted personality traits as an excuse to not go out there and talk to people. Step outside of your comfort zone and see for yourself. Your personality is not set. It is in your own hands to take the initiative and the first steps in this journey.

There is a world out there and an abundance of information on personality and your behaviour. Talk simple by talking to someone who knows you well about what they think your personality is. Compare it to the test. If you want to take it one step further, you could have a look at the Enneagram model or the Success Insights Wheel which analyses your behavioral styles.

Take the first step and take 15 minutes after this post to do the personality test and you will reap the rewards.




Written by WouterVH

Lessons learned to thrive in life.

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