Welcome to the Thriving Tomorrow page

Apr 7, 2021

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”

Writing on topics related to self-development, productivity, learning, memory, reflection, mindset, mindfulness and more. I have come to realize again and again that I wish that I would run into some concepts, methods or processes at an earlier stage in my life. That these could have made a real change in my own, but also other peoples lives around me.

From inspirational characters like Santiago Ramón y Cajal to Marcus Aurelius;
From buzzwords like Ikigai to Hygge;
From journalling to living in the moment;
From NLP to the Memory Palace.

Let us learn more about the complexities of life, how to make your journey more fulfilling and what the forces are that drive your behaviour.

A deepdive into the drive to thrive in life.

